time-dependent system

英 美
  • 不稳定系统
  • dependent adj.依靠的;依赖的;从属的
  • system n.系统;体系;身体;制度
  • time n.时间;时代;时期;倍;次数;节拍v.为…安排时间;计时;[体]在某一时刻击球adj.时间的;定时的;分期(付款)的;定期的
    1. Just like the broom-stick, an Inverted Pendulum is an inherently unstable system.
    2. The first concern must be to reshape financial regulation to stabilise the system.
    3. The accurate mathematical model of WIM is difficult to establish because WIM's parameters change with time when they work.
    4. STF adds multi-fading factors in EKF, thus it has strong tracking capability and good robustness, and can deal with variation parameter system effectively.